Online video is quite simply the future of marketing. Not only does it boost conversion rates and sales, but it also engages even the laziest of buyers

Don’t believe the hype? here are some statistics to prove my point.

  • Online video accounts for 74% of all internet web traffic
  • Using the word “video” in a subject line or email can increase open rates by 19%
  • 33% of tablet owners watch one hour of video per day on their device
  • 52% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI

There’s no doubt about it. Online video is one of the most versatile and profitable digital marketing tools out there.

But if you’re a small business,  you may ask yourself: Is it really worth my time?

The answer is simple: Yes. Not only because everyone’s doing it,  but because it is a naturally engaging way to capture your target market. According to,  76% of businesses say that video provides good return on investment. Even though video production is not the easiest/cheapest task, it pays off big time.

Check out one of my favourite viral video campaigns by Dove:

Dove’s aim was to underline the stark contrast between how women view themselves and what others see.  The campaign was so influential that it generated up to 3.8 million shares in the first month it was released. This video is a perfect example on how brands can go from local engagement to global exposure.

What are your thoughts?

Is it crucial for brands to communicate with their consumers through this channel?

Let me know below!

As always,


9 Replies to “The power of video”

  1. For me, I often watch videos whenever I’m bored, then there’s often ads for the brands and sometimes I would click the link to the video and watch the whole thing if I’m interested. Also, I think video marketing are gaining more and more attention as other types of marketing. So, it is indeed important for marketers to pick up on this trend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The video was well made and engaging, which highlights the usefulness of video as a medium to engage consumers. I find video to be an integral part of how I learn about a brand and decide if I am going to purchase it. However, I do find that I lose interest in a video if there is a a lengthy ad at the beginning or an annoying banner ad at the bottom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know right! Dove did an exceptional job. They took their their consumers on an emotional journey and they were able to increase their profits as a result.

      Length of videos can definitely be a problem – I guess it all comes down to content and execution of message. Thanks for your input! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved that Dove Campaign I thought that was amazing for female body confidence. It was definitely a great example of how video can be a powerful tool.
    Video is huge now, it’s definitely important for brands to utilise video in their campaigns. Plus I’m much more inclined to watch something vs read something. I think others would too be similar.


    1. For sure – video makes it so much easier for consumers to absorb your brand’s message. And to be honest with you, the benefits are endless! Increased WOM, huge buzz generated online, increased brand awareness and market share, improved organic search rankings and high levels of social engagement, and of course, huge ROI!

      The Dove campaign was an exceptional example of how brands can take their videos viral! Thanks for your comment ash! 🙂


  4. I think theres also a bit of an issue with how small businesses should “create” their videos. If a small business is trying to act/advertise themselves beyond the identity they actually possess, I think the brand can almost seem “fake”. Video marketing is a great tool, no doubt, but businesses need to keep in mind that they don’t want to end up with inconsistencies between their ads, and their identity. Really compelling post!


    1. That’s true but I think YouTube has shown us that it is often the loyal, hard-working influencers that are more powerful in building a loyal and large customer-base. This implies that small businesses don’t have to lure top creators on to their platforms and can conduct their videos in-house.

      Making their own videos, even if it’s on Facebook/Instagram video, can be seen as more authentic and less ‘fake’ as you would say. Thanks so much! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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