Lessons learned from Sophia Amoruso’s online business

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In late 2006, 22 year-old Sophie Amoruso dropped out of university and had a lot of time on her hands. Inspired by fashion and the wonders of the internet, Amoruso purchased a copy of “How to Start an eBay Business For Dummies” and launched her online brand Nasty Gal Vintage. 

Today, nearly 10 years later, the Nasty Gal brand has broken away from eBay, raised over $70 million in venture capital, generated a loyal fanbase of 5 million followers on social media AND inspired an upcoming Netflix series – all with zero debt to its name.

But how did Sophia do it?

Here are the three digital marketing tactics that transformed Sophia’s brand from a struggling start-up to one of the biggest online retailers in the world:

1. Social Media Marketing

Sophia Amoruso was arguably the first to realise the potential of social media in attracting followers, generating content and driving exposure. When starting her business 10 years ago, she used Myspace to connect and drive traffic towards her store.

By today’s standards, I guess we could all agree that this is becoming fairly routine for brands.  However, Amoruso made a conscious effort to read and and reply to any comment she received:

“I just went with my gut instincts and treated my customers like they were my friends… My customers told me what they wanted and I always knew that if I listened to them, we’d both do okay”. (source)

Amoruso connected with her buyers on a level that was extremely personal and in turn, she was able to differentiate her brand from big competitors.

2. Content marketing 

On her social media platforms, Amoruso was creating and sharing content that even non-buyers were attracted to.

Her site included a free styling service that helped customers decide what to wear with outfits so they could leave the store in the best mood possible. Amoruso also employed the use of aesthetically pleasing photographs and content to attract consumers.

Today, The Nasty Gal site has a blog called ‘Nasty Galaxy’ – which is filled with content/stories on empowering women.  Click here to explore

3.  A/B Testing and search optimization

The Nasty Gal team used A/B testing to determine strength and weaknesses in product offerings and layouts.

“[I]f I put a dress up for auction and no one was bidding on it, I didn’t just assume that no one wanted it. I just tried something else. I rewrote the product description, or swapped out the thumbnail….I never assumed that I’d just done my best job the first time around.” (source)

Amoruso also became very skilled at reaching the number one spot on eBay search results. She did this by paying close attention towards customer feedback and in turn, she was able to recognize the most popular search terms.

17 Replies to “Lessons learned from Sophia Amoruso’s online business”

  1. I love #GirlBoss!!! I was so happy when it got onto Netflix! This is such a great example of how a small business has used digital to market its brand. What I’ve taken away from this blog post is that building a brand takes time and hard work. It’s a long process and there will be heaps of ups and downs along the way. It’s so amazing that Nastygal started from eBay and now is a fully functioning company!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How good is it?! I completely agree with you – Nasty Gal isn’t just a fashion business, it’s an experience and a community! I think every digital marketer should take advantage of content marketing – people love hearing about the stories behind brands.

      Thanks for your comment! 🙂


  2. I recently watched GirlBoss too and it was really interesting to see how much she used her MySpace to get sales. I think that creating content that non-buyers are interested in is one of the best marketing techniques for a brand like Nasty Girl because it goes beyond the product and makes them feel connected to the brand without them even purchasing anything

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I found it interesting too! I feel as though she was ahead of the times when it came to digital marketing. I mean, who would’ve known about the power of social media back in 2006? She jumped on that bandwagon extremely early if you ask me.

      I completely agree – Sophia went above and beyond for her customers and this really helped her create an unmatched brand experience.

      Thanks for your comment!


  3. Okay I am really excited to watch GirlBoss after reading this blog! Haha. Goes to show that strong marketing is really all about knowing your target audience, treating them well and they will treat you well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a great show! and absolutely – It’s so important to know your target audience down to a tee. Going that extra mile for your customers certainly pays off big time!


  4. Hi Ruby, Great read! I binge-watched #Girlboss in a day! I totally agree with the three points you’ve made here- all very clever strategies that resulted in such success. The ‘Nasty Galaxy’ is definitely a great asset to the brand, differentiating it from other regular clothing retailers and adding a layer of philanthropy which is always appreciated by consumers. Love it!


    1. Hey darcy! I definitely agree – the Nasty Galaxy blog was a perfect asset to the Nasty Gal Brand. All of her content attracted even non-buyers which is what every business should aim for! Thanks so much 🙂


  5. This is so interesting! I know a lot of people that are now using Instagram to sell vintage clothes and it’s working. One page in particular that I follow finds vintage clothes and is making a lot of money out of the time they spent looking for them. I feel like the internet has opened up a whole range of selling platforms that allow us to make a profit or start a business on our own! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I loved watching the netflix season of girlboss!! found it such a useful insight into possibilities of opening your own online business and the ways in which effective marketing can support you!! Great post


  7. I was always curious to how NastyGal came to be so popular so this was an interesting read! Paying attention to detail and not being afraid to experiment is my takeaway from her success. (Will need to watch #GirlBoss after this!!)

    Liked by 1 person

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